Artificial bouquet Rubens
Artificial bouquet Rubens
Artificial bouquet Rubens
Artificial bouquet Rubens
Artificial bouquet Rubens

Artificial bouquet Rubens

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The wild fennel is the absolute protagonist of this artificial bouquet. An arrangement you can put in a vase or use as a base to create your own personalized bouquet. Daisies, roses, lavender... In our artificial flowers section, you will find many types of flowers that fit you and your home.

H38 cm


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Rubens Artificial Bouquet. Living with nature

Wild plants and flowers are amazing. These wonders of nature can transform any space into a charming oasis. You will be surprised how well they look in any environment.

What a pleasure! There is nothing more captivating than entering the house and feeling in harmony with nature. See for yourself with this artificial bouquet made of fennel branches.

It is a great decorative element, but it’s also the ideal basis for creating more personal bouquets. Imagine what you can achieve! 

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