In my home decoration I like to express my personality and my own style, and for that accessories play a main role. Adding decorative elements to a room is enhancing its character and filling it with charm. Every small detail we decide to incorporate should make us feel well, because our home should convey the best sensations, and it is not only a priority, but a must in decoration.
First and foremost, I advise you not to close your creativity, and dare with those small accessories that maybe you thought they didn’t add much and that in the end they can help you get what you’re looking for. If you still believe that home design has to do only with the distribution of spaces and the placement of furniture, it is time to discover my decoration section, because you do not know what you are missing...
The most important thing is that all must flow in harmony, that there is a variety of objects, but you mustn’t have a big number of elements that can ruin your purpose. For example, on the coffee table in the living room some scented candles, a vintage or antique candlesholder, a decorative bowl… It will depend on the size of the table, but with these three decorative accessories, you do not need much more to give a touch of warmth, style and beauty to your relaxing moments on the sofa.